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Why should I enroll my child in Aquatic Survival Instruction? Children are naturally captivated by water, whether it is a pool, hot tub, lake or pond and it only takes a few seconds for an aquatic accident to occur. You want your child to learn to be safe and confident around water and learn to swim. You live, have family or friends who live or vacation around pools or other bodies of water and your child could potentially be exposed to these risks. You enjoy swimming and want the same for your child. You want to avoid risk and proactively help control your child’s safety around water. Your child is adventurous and fearless and should have a "respect" of the water. Your child is afraid of or nervous around water and you want them to enjoy it. You or your child's caretaker cannot swim and want your child to learn these skills.
At what age can my child begin lessons at Gwinnett SwimWe begin life saving (ASI) lessons at 12 months old.
What can a baby really learn at such a young age?Because babies and toddlers cannot raise their heads to breathe, the most important skill they will learn is to roll from a face-down position in the water to a face-up position floating on their back. This technique allows your child to learn to not panic, but instead roll over to float and breathe whenever needed. Infants from six months to twelve+ months old will learn to hold their breath in the water; roll from a face down to a face up back float; float, relax, and breathe until rescued by an adult. More details of the infant/toddler program can be found under the course information page.
What will my toddler/young child learn at Gwinnett Swim?Your child will learn many skills at Gwinnett Swim, but our primary focus is to teach the swim -rest-swim survival technique. The goal is for your child, in any aquatic situation, to stay calm and be confident in their skill set to correct him or herself in the water to a floating position. He or she will then be able to continue the swim-rest-swim sequence until they either reach safety or become too fatigued to continue and rest in their floating position until an adult or other help arrives. In addition to this life-saving skill, we will also work on the "fun" part of swimming! More details of the toddler/young child program can be found on the course information page.
Will you throw my child in the pool?We will always be in the pool with your child and we will never throw your child in the pool!
How are classes structured?Classes with Gwinnett Swim are based on age, ability and skill levels being taught. Our ASI programs are one-on-one, and are in 15 or 30 minute increments. Our Maintenance & Growth classes are 15 or 30 minutes, with class sizes ranging from 1 to 6 students based on class level. Our primary focus for every lesson is student safety. Our highly trained instructors monitor every aspect of your child's lesson, such as breath control, fatigue, and swallowing of water. Keep in mind that your child is working every minute of that time, focusing on breathing, balance, rolling, etc. Keep in mind that every student is different and the instructor is trained to identify what is appropriate for each child. Please see the "Which Class is Right" or "Programs" page for more information.
What and when is "Graduation"?"All of our ASI and ASI FasTrack students go through a graduation process. This "testing" allows us to simulate a stressful environment and allows your child to show the skills he or she has mastered during the program. Your child will attain his or her ASI skills in approximately 10 weeks. Since many aquatic incidents occur when a child is fully clothed, we perform two stress tests, or "graduations" after your child has mastered his or her skills. Be assured that we never perform a graduation for a child unless we are completely certain your child has the skill set to succeed. Our graduations are a day of celebration for you and your child!
What is the Maintenance & Growth Program? Why should we do it?Once your child has mastered the ASI program, maintenance is very important for continued confidence in the water and growth in your child's newfound skills. As with any new skill, if it is not practiced, the ability and confidence in the skill will deteriorate with time. M&G lessons will build strength, endurance, and confidence in the water in a safe and fun way! Your child has worked very hard to master the ASI skills and M&G lessons are the perfect way to keep those skills growing.
What is Gwinnett Swim's primary goal for my child?Once your child has completed training, our goal for your child is to have the ability to float and breathe, no matter what the circumstance is nor how deep the water is, for an undefined period of time. On more of a personal level, our goal is to establish a relationship and a bond with your family. We pride ourselves on developing young independent swimmers, as well as building a lifelong relationship of trust with you and your family.
How do I enroll my child?Gwinnett Swim's ASI sessions are offered yearround, Monday through Thursday from 9am until 7pm, with new sessions beginning monthly. However, due to the structure of the program we encourage you to reserve your session as early possible as classes often fill several months in advance. Visit our online scheduler to begin the enrollment process. It's that easy!
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