Drowning can happen any day, anywhere, anytime of the year, from the bathtub to the backyard Koi pond. Parents frequently underestimate the risk of accidental drowning.
The statistics are shocking-drowning is responsible for more deaths among children 1 to 4 years old than any other cause except birth defects.
Among those ages 1-14, fatal drowning remains the second-leading cause of unintentional injury-related death behind motor vehicle crashes.
Why is this such a high statistic? Because drowning is quick and silent and can take less than a few minutes. By the time you realize your child is missing, he or she could already be in danger.
Gwinnett Swim, located in Buford, Ga. can give your child a strong foundation in lifesaving self-rescue skills. Your child will learn how to float and swim, giving your child the best chance to survive an aquatic incident if needed.
